Sewer Camera Service & Repair
Broken / Kinked Push Rod
Your sewer camera push rod can become kinked while getting stuck in a sewer drain line. We can fix the kink and perform a re-term by cutting off the problem area.
Sewer Camera Head Repair
Having issues with your sewer camera head? Picture not showing? Lights not working? Flickering? We can handle all warranty and non warranty repair work of your sewer camera head.
Slip Ring
Does your sewer camera picture flicker when the drum is moving? Its possible that your slip ring is bad. A common issue when a slip ring is going bad.
Transmitter / Sonde
Is your pipe locator not picking up signal from your sewer camera reel? Losing your signal at shallow depths? Could be your sonde going bad.
Hub Assembly
We can replace your cracked or broken hub assembly on your Ridgid Seesnake standard & mini camera reel.
Counter Replacement
If your counter is bad the footage counter may not work. You could lose camera picture or the camera picture might flicker.
Worn Rod Guide
Rod guides wear down when your camera push rod rubs against the frame of the guide. We can repair, replace, and modify the rod guide to help prevent wear on the push rod and sewer camera frame.
Camera Spring
Sewer camera springs can wear out over time and should be replaced. Getting stuck in a sewer line can also cause the camera spring to strech or kink and should be replaced with a new camera spring.